SPLASHES OF SUCCESS: HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE THIRD ANNUAL COLLEGE SWIMMING CARNIVAL  Let’s recap of the thrilling events that unfolded at our eagerly anticipated third annual College Swimming Carnival held at the Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre.  Nestled in the heart of our community, the Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre proved to be the […]


MEET OUR ADMINISTRATION TEAM  Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager  Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. Please be in touch if you need to discuss how the College can best support you and your student.  Connie Midiri – Daily Organiser  Connie is responsible for daily organising and the […]


WELCOME FAMILIES OF 2024 TO GREENVALE SECONDARY COLLEGE! In the next few weeks Parents and Teachers will meet and the question asked most will be: “Does my child get homework? If so, they say they don’t have any.” Greenvale Secondary College has a Homework, Revision and Preparation policy (Found in: School documentation in Compass) that […]


The College Library is open, and all students are welcome! We now have a dedicated librarian, Kathy Notis, who envisions the library as a hub of valuable resources and assistance for students in their studies and a place for them to belong, find something of interest, a game to play, a good book to read […]


MIDDLE SCHOOL Term 1 so far has been a buzz of energy as students are adjusting to new timetables, classes, teachers and expectations. It has been great to see students connecting with their peers in a positive way and engaging with their learning, especially in their electives. Whilst we acknowledge this has been a period […]


WELCOME BACK TO GREENVALE SECONDARY COLLEGE, WE HOPE THAT EVERYONE ENJOYED THEIR BREAK AND NEW AND WONDERFUL MEMORIES WERE MADE.   The Student Services Team has welcomed many new staff members and new roles within the team.  Welcome Luisa De Amics as the Inclusion Team Leader.  Luisa supports all the Inclusion staff whilst assisting teachers to […]


MIDDLE SCHOOL Congratulations to the Year 9 students on a successful first ever Personal Best Showcase! It was amazing to welcome almost 50 guests to celebrate the achievements of our students on the day. It was also inspiring to see our young people challenging themselves to achieve their personal best. Each class had such a […]


JUNIOR SCHOOL FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER REPORT  Welcome to 2024 and a big welcome to all our new year 7 students and their families. Your secondary school journey is underway and before we know it the year will be 2029 and you’ll be graduating.   The first day of school started with 122 year 7 students who were […]


The event Survivor Day involved the whole school, all representing their houses.  We as members of the SRC planned the amazing activities for us to earn points and hopefully win the 2023 House Cup! The day aimed to build the connections between year levels. There was Weetbix Whistling, Bottle Flipping, Balloon Blowing, Penne Pasta Sticks, […]


STUDENT SERVICES Wellbeing is a multi-faceted concept involving much more than just physical health. It’s a combination of a person’s emotional, mental and social health and it also reflects how they feel about themselves and their life in general. Wellbeing is linked to improved academic achievement, enhanced mental health and responsible life choices.   What’s coming […]

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