The College Student Services team consists of staff members with diverse and specialised backgrounds. Each subschool team is connected into the College Student Services Team who work closely with staff, students and parents, developing preventative programs and providing support.
Students, teachers and parents are able to refer to the Student Services team for consultation on issues such as friendship, social skills, bullying, grief, adolescent behaviour, mental health issues, learning difficulties, family issues etc.
Examples of support that are offered include:
- Educational counselling re: mental health, developmental and school related issues
- Small group work
- Ongoing in-school support for students referred to outside agencies
- Assessment for learning difficulties
- Assistance with delivering curriculum programs in class-rooms i.e. Cybersafety
Students and families can access a number of services through direct contact with the college. If we cannot provide services which are appropriate, we will refer to the appropriate agency.
Spaces: Our Student Services area is designated a SAFE SPACE, where students can discuss any concerns they may have without fear of judgement. Anything that is shared in these spaces is treated with respect and empathy.
Privacy: All students and families have the right to privacy and confidentiality. There are times however where we may need to breach privacy for the safety of our students, and this is explained with all students when they access support through the Student Services team.
Counselling: We provide student counselling at the college as well as utilise external counselling supports through community service referrals, such as Northern Health, Headspace and Hume Youth Services. The school also has access to a psychologist from the Department of Education, on a needs basis.
Advice to Parents/Carers: The Student Services team is available to offer advice and support to parents. This can also include referring families to local community agencies. We also hold information nights and invite special guest speakers to present to parents as well as regularly updating our social media and website with relevant information.
Mental Health Practitioner: The college is fortunate to have the support of a Mental Health Practitioner. This service provides students and parents with specialised support and targeted strategies to assist young people with mental health challenges.
School Nurse: We have a highly skilled registered nurse who is here to support our students throughout the day. The School Nurse provides support to students and families around general health concerns.
Inclusion: Our students are supported by a dedicated team who work on improving access to curricular and co-curricular activities. They work closely with students, staff and families to provide individualised support for students and actively encourage success.

Greenvale has embedded the Respectful Relationships program in our curriculum for all students. The program learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills in young people have been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective well-being and reduce antisocial behaviours. The program will include Health Education and guest speakers such as the School Nurse and external agencies to ensure the best all round care and resources for our young people.
The Respectful Relationships program includes eight topics on social and emotional learning:
- Emotional Literacy
- Personal Strengths
- Positive Coping
- Problem Solving
- Stress Management/Safer Socialising
- Help Seeking/Peer Support
- Gender and Identity
- Positive Gender Relations
Raise Foundation is a registered Australian charity which provides mentoring programs for young people in high schools and in the community. Our mentoring programs provide a community of support around young people. Mentoring from a positive role model during the critical teenage years provides a nurturing pathway for young people to feel supported.
Each year we identify new students to get involved.
- Kids Help
Kids Help Line – 1800 55 1800 24/7 online and telephone counselling and support - Lifeline
Lifeline – 13 11 14 Online and telephone crisis support, and text line (6pm – 12pm) 0477 131 114 - Headspace
Online and telephone counselling and support for young people aged 12 – 25 and their families and friends - Moodgym
Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety - Smiling Mind
Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life, and includes information on how to support emotional wellbeing during times of crisis - e-couch
e-couch is a self-help interactive program with modules for depression, generalised anxiety & worry, social anxiety, relationship breakdown, and loss & grief - Reachout
Online mental health support for young people and their parents - Beyond Blue
Tips for looking after your mental health during the corona virus outbreak - Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service Phone: 8592 3920 or 9403 3300
Greenvale Secondary College has a whole-school framework which provides staff and students with an approach to promote improved behaviour.
Our Positive Behaviour Support model has been developed from evidence and data, demonstrating the most effective ways to prevent and respond to problem behaviour at school. Research has shown that these approaches are successful in reducing problem behaviour, improving school culture, and increasing academic performance.
This model uses a tiered intervention framework which invests in:
- Primary prevention (tier 1): School and classroom-wide systems for all students, staff and settings (approximately 80% of students)
- Secondary prevention (tier 2): Specialised group systems for students with at-risk behaviour (approximately 15% of students)
- Tertiary prevention (tier 3): Specialised, individualised systems for students with high-risk behaviour (approximately 5% of students)
Our school values are Excellence, Respect, Leadership and Teamwork. These values under pin all of our interactions at Greenvale.