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Our community has been clear in their desire for a great school uniform that reflects the aspiration of our families.

Greenvale Secondary College’s uniform supplier is Noone Imagewear.

Uniform can only be purchased at Noone Imagewears Craigeburn store.

Families can also shop online at https://www.noone.com.au/shop/find-my-school/ 

Greenvale Secondary College is also registered with the Sustainable School Shop. This is an online system that facilitates the purchasing and selling of second hand uniform and books. This can be accessed at https://www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au/

Student Dress Code

The Student Dress Code aims to:

  • foster a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance 
  • support Greenvale Secondary College’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities. 
  • reduce student competition on the basis of clothing 
  • enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.   

Students may wear any of the Greenvale Secondary College Uniform items made available – there are no gender based restrictions.

While students will dress appropriately for weather, items may be won trans-seasonally. That is, a student could wear shorts all year.

Non-uniform garments are not permitted to be worn and all garments must be worn as intended by the designer. That is, items should not be rolled up, hemmed up, sewn or cut to appear, sit or function in any other way than intended.

Black leather school shoes are the only permitted show, except for PE classes.

The sports uniform should be worn only on days of sport classes or special events.

CSEF Year 7 Uniform Package

Important Information for Families who are holders of a valid Health Care Card.

State Schools’ Relief works closely with all government schools across Victoria. Each year State Schools’ Relief provide assistance to families who are experiencing financial disadvantage with school clothing, shoes and other essential items.

The Victorian Government has a commitment to being the Education State, aiming to break the link between disadvantage and achievement. Through government funding the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) was established to provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports days and excursions. To find out more about CSEF or to apply for assistance go to www.education.vic.gov.au/csef State Schools’ Relief has received extra government funding so that it can help more families needing financial assistance and ensure no one is left behind. This extra funding is being used by State Schools’ Relief to assist students who receive CSEF assistance.

As part of the Victorian Government’s Affordable Uniform Program, every Year 7 government school student who is a recipient of the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) automatically qualifies for a uniform pack voucher.

Where State Schools’ Relief cannot supply uniform items directly to parents you will receive a voucher that subsidises the cost of uniform items. The voucher(s) can be redeemed at your child’s school uniform shop or an independent uniform retailer which will be listed on the voucher. Parents receiving vouchers may need to make a contribution towards the cost of individual uniform items. The amount a parent has to pay will depend on the retail purchase price and the State Schools’ Relief subsidy. The vouchers provided by State Schools’ Relief list every approved item for the student and the maximum purchase value that State Schools’ Relief will subsidise for each item. Parents who receive vouchers can work out how much extra they may need to pay towards uniform items using the College’s uniform price list.

Applications are made through your child’s school. Please do not contact State Schools’ Relief directly as staff cannot accept applications from parents. If you have any questions, or want to apply for assistance, please speak to your child’s school.

All vouchers and free items provided directly by SSR will be received by your child’s school. The College will get in touch with you to arrange handover of uniforms and vouchers. The voucher can be used at your child’s College uniform shop or uniform retailer. The voucher will list the uniform items, with details of the maximum amount that State Schools’ Relief will subsidise from the retail purchase price. If a uniform item costs more than the maximum subsidised amount State Schools’ Relief will not pay for any extra cost. If a uniform item costs less than the maximum subsidised amount the difference cannot be redeemed or transferred to a different uniform item. The vouchers are not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash; they cannot be used to purchase extra items and State Schools’ Relief does not make cash payments to schools or parents.

  • Only Year 7 students who receive CSEF are automatically entitled to a uniform pack;
  • each student is eligible for only one uniform pack;
  • all vouchers have an expiry date which is included on the voucher;
  • expired vouchers cannot be redeemed. Parents will have to reapply through their school for assistance; and
  • if uniform items cost less than the stated subsidised amount on the voucher any unused subsidy cannot:
    1. be transferred to a different uniform item
    2. be used to purchase an extra item; or
    3. be provided as cash to the school or the parent.

Choose uniform items. Your child’s school will be in contact with you to order the uniform pack.

Sustainable School Shop


  • register on the Sustainable School Shop website www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au a subscription to
    this service has been kindly provided by Greenvale Secondary College.
  • list wanted and for sale ads (browsers tell each other what they require and what they have to sell);
  • the school’s book and uniform lists are loaded in the system to make the Ad listing process easy, fast
    and accurate;
  • assistance is provided to accurately price items;
  • our ad matching service shows you
    • exactly the right items to buy
    • who has the most items you need
    • the cheapest items;
  • buyers contact sellers and arrange where and when to transact; and
  • excellent email and telephone helplines are provided: 0438 743 444.
Calculators, Sporting items, musical items, electronic & DVDs, stationery, and lots more…

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