Greenvale Secondary College offers a number of enhancement programs for our students. At Greenvale, we provide opportunities for students to do things that reflect their passion or interest. This ensures students take leadership of their learning and promotes more rapid learning growth and connection with the community.
Enhancements are available in the following areas:
ACADEMIC | These academic enhancements ensure students in need of support receive it and those who need extension are challenged. These programs then ensure that all leaners at Greenvale experience learner growth. |
CLUBS | These club enhancements provide students with a co-curricular experience they cannot get in their normal classroom, and it connects to our College vision. |
SPORT | The sport enhancements give a structured opportunity for students to participate in team sport events in preparation for representing the College. |
Our enhancement sessions are student-needs driven and student led where appropriate;
- Enable experimentation and exploration of skills, ideas and concepts;
- Cater for diversity in interests and passions;
- Support students to build self-confidence;
- Strengthen relationships across the cohort.
Student Requirement
All students are expected to engage in a minimum of 2 Enhancements per year.
Process for Selection of Enhancement Sessions
At the commencement of each semester, students are provided the Enhancement Program schedule. Using the online selection tool, students complete their preferences for the year.
When Do Enhancements Run?
Enhancements run at scheduled times and will appear in Compass with a roll and location. The timing of each enhancement is determined by the nature of the program and may be before school, afterschool or lunchtimes.
What Are the Timetable Changes?
As a result of the revised program, the College will adopt the timetable as below which means each day now finishes at the same time of 3:05pm
Example Enhancement Sessions
Maths Extension Students will engage in tasks that extend their maths knowledge beyond what is occurring in the classroom. | Debating Club In this enhancement, students will develop their debating skills and participate against other schools. | AFL Team Students selected to represent the College in AFL will have scheduled and regular compulsory training sessions. |
Creative Writing Learn about writing techniques to maximise description in your stories to engage readers. Develop your skills toward an ongoing project of your choice. | Chess Club Students will master Chess and engage in events both at school or against others to compete. | Soccer Team Students selected to represent the College in Soccer will have scheduled and regular compulsory training sessions. |
Chinese Come and practice your speaking skills and discover Chinese culture so you can be a more confident learner of Chinese. | Homework Club Support from a teacher to assist with completing work you have set for homework. | Table Tennis Team Students selected to represent the College in Table Tennis will have scheduled and regular compulsory training sessions. |
English Support Students will get support with their English and language skills by reviewing and using content being covered in their classes. | Environmental Club In this enhancement, students will solve some real-world environmental challenges in our community. | Basketball Team Students selected to represent the College in Basketball will have scheduled and regular compulsory training sessions. |
Catering for High Potential Learners
All students at Greenvale are provided opportunities to optimise their learning potential. High potential learners are ensured academic rigor and appropriate social and emotional care through support from a College-wide High Ability Leader who supports teachers in nurturing academic development through personalised learning provisions in the forms of extension, enrichment, and acceleration to complement the curriculum, utilising an integrated and inclusive approach to learning. All students who are working 2 or more years in front of the expected level also receive an individualized Differentiated Learning Plan (DLP) to ensure all teachers can extend the learning for that student.
Further to the Academic Enhancements offered at Greenvale Secondary College, our students also have access to the Victorian High-Ability Program and the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series.
These programs provide high-ability students the opportunity to engage in online and in-person sessions that occur during and after school hours. They have a focus on extending and developing students Mathematic and English capabilities.
For these programs students are nominated by the College High Ability Leader after meeting with a parent or guardian.
All Greenvale students have access to extension through a differentiated curriculum as part of their regular learning program. A differentiated curriculum is a program of learning that offers a variety of entry points for students who differ in learning ability. In a differentiated curriculum, teachers offer different approaches to what students learn (content), how students learn (process) and how students demonstrate what they have learnt (product)
Accelerated Learning
Students in Year 9 and Senior School, where appropriate, have access to accelerated learning in specific subject areas. Students in Senior School have the opportunity to study some Unit 1 and 2 VCE programs whilst in Year 10 and some Unit 3 and 4 programs in Year 11. Acceleration into VCE program is subject to criteria based on Year 9 performance.