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The learning growth of every student is our priority, and we have an assessment and reporting process in place that is designed to give meaningful, timely and effective feedback to students and parents.  

We measure what skills and knowledge the student has at the beginning of the unit in a ‘Pre-Assessment’, and then target our teaching students around that. The teacher and student reflect on this in the rubric in the class Notebook (OneNote). 

At the mid-point of the unit, students do a ‘Milestone Task’ which helps the teacher, student and parent determine the readiness for the final assessment and what needs to be done to get there.  We encourage parents to read through the teacher’s feedback around what has been achieved and what can be done to improve – again in the class Notebook (OneNote). 

Finally, when the student does the Common Assessment Task (CAT) and it has been assessed the rubric will be uploaded to the CAT in Compass as a pdf. The CAT in Compass has a RED Assessment Tab against it to make sorting simpler. 


The End of Semester is a collation of the assessment done throughout the two terms: 

Teachers will be finalising assessment Week 8 & 9. Semester Reports will be available on Compass at end of the Week 1 of Term 3 and parents are reminded that the quality timely feedback is in the rubric attached to the CAT in the Compass Learning Task. 


Congratulations to our Year 7 students for the conscientious, mature and focused approach to NAPLAN online. The majority of students were ready for the tests each day with a charged laptop and headphones. Students who were absent the first week of the tests were given an opportunity to catch up in the second and third week. We look forward to receiving the learning data which will help us target our teaching more effectively. 


During Term 3 our Library will be open every lunchtime for students to do some passive activities out of the weather. We will also run some clubs in this space: Chess Club, Girls Club, Movie Club, Art/Craft Club. Students will need to eat their lunch outside then are welcome to come into the library as long as they are following the library rules. 

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