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How quick did Term 1 go by?  Congratulations year 7 students on your first term of year 7.  Congratulations to the Year 8 students for stepping up to the plate and welcoming the year 7 students.



Thanks to Food Bank Victoria Greenvale Secondary College can now provide students with breakfast in the mornings.  At the moment every Thursday students can attend Breakfast Club in the library from 8:15am to fill their belly, to help get their day started.

Also on offer are lunches for students if they have forgotten their lunch that day or for whatever reason the student does not have any lunch.  If this is the case students can make their way to Student Services in the first 15 minutes of lunch where they will be given some lunch staples.



On the 7th March Mancave and Big Sister Experience attended Greenvale Secondary College for their 2nd instalment with the year 8 students.  This day was aimed at reflecting on one’s self and the impact we have on others in our community.



The Victoria Police attended the College on the 27th March to talk  with the students about their responsibilities in relation to keeping themselves safe and those around them. We would like to thank the members from the Sunbury Proactive Squad for attending the school.

Unfortunately, on this day the Victoria Police team could not be there for the year 7 presentation.  They will be rescheduling this presentation


FUNDRAISER – Guess the Eggs

To raise money for the breakfast club and also the Positive Learning Framework we are ending the term with a “guess the amount of easter eggs in the jar,” competition.

Congrats to Sharlot 7C and Sarah S 7C n winning the Guess the amount of Easter Eggs competition.  Don’t eat all the Easter Eggs at one time. 



Positive Learning Framework

Next term Greenvale Secondary College will be launching our Positive Learning Framework to the school community. This is not entirely new as we have been acknowledging student’s effort to follow and showcase the school’s values over the past year.

What we are adding is the following:

Peer Value awards- each week 1 student will be nominated by the mentor teacher to observe their fellow peers in relation to the values of the school.  On Friday in Mentor that student will then present to the student an Awards certificate for the effort that they have made that week.

An attendance prize– each fortnight all students that have attended school 100% of the time for that fortnight will be placed in a raffle and 1 lucky winner will be provided with a $10 canteen voucher.

ReWards Shop- Twice per term the ReWards Shop will be open to students to cash in their points that they have accumulated on Compass (similar to the timezone system).

Gold Reward– At the end of each semester the top 10 students in terms of value points (5 from each level) will be gifted an end of the semester excursion. eg Timezone, Bounce, Funfields.



We invite Raise Mentoring back to GSC for 2023.  Things will look a little different this year, with a termly program so that Year 7 and Year 8 students have an opportunity to participate. Sessions are designed to build skills in resilience, help seeking, hope for the future and school engagement .Activities will either be whole-group, small-group, and individual activities facilitated by PC and Support Mentors.



A number of female students will be invited to be part of the MPower program for term 2.

MPower  focuses on positive communication, empathy and conflict resolution. The program runs for a duration of 6 weeks and will be a single session per week. Students will learn specific skills to problem-solve peer issues effectively, be assertive in conflict situations, reduce stereotyping and be more mindful of how our actions affect our peers.

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