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Congratulations to our year 7 and 9 students for the completion of their NAPLAN tests. Students did their best to complete the tasks in Literacy and Numeracy areas. All students were also incredibly patient with issues around IT, particularly on the first day of testing. 

Parents can support students by making sure that devices are charged each night in preparation for the next day of learning. The school holidays are also a good time to check that students have a pencil case with the necessary equipment to be successful, for example: pens and pencils, scissors and glue, calculator and coloured pencils or highlighters. 

Groups of students have spent the term participating in Enhancements with a focus on their interests. Students have participated in a range of activities from sport training, maths enrichment, STEM activities and crocheting! If students were not in an Enhancement this term then they will be in one next term, check Compass for details. 



Lastly, students are completing their Common Assessment Tasks for Unit 1 in all subjects. Any students that are absent during the subject assessment time will need to complete the task in conversation with their teacher, or they will be asked to do the assessment during the Digital Learning Day on Thursday 28th March. 

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