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As Winter sets in we find comfort in a warm home, hearty food, hot chocolate and friends and family.



Greenvale Secondary College would like to take this opportunity to thank Niky and Aadya for choosing our school to complete their Master of Counselling placement at. Both Niky and Adya completed 200 hours of counselling with some of our students.  We will definitely miss having them within Student Services as will the students.



On the 18th June the Australian Federal Police attended Greenvale Secondary College to provide extremely important information about how as parents and caregivers you can educate yourselves and support our children and young people to make more conscious and educated decisions when using technology and social media.

Do you know what a ghost app is?

What does the world symbol mean beside a person’s name?

How about “PIR”- what does this mean?

Please see below link to the Think U Know results- available in a number of different languages.

 Resources | ThinkUKnow



With the school’s growth and the impending commencement of Year 10, we are currently preparing a range of career readiness experiences for our students. As part of this, the College is currently recruiting a Careers and Student Pathway advisor, and in 2025 Greenvale Secondary College Year 10 students will participate in Work Experience.
An extremely important component of work experience is the hosting workplaces, which welcome students for a challenging and positive experience.
The College is reaching out to families to support us in building our network of host workplaces. We are looking to connect with workplaces that are willing and able to host a year 10 student for 10 days of work experience in 2025, and potentially on an ongoing yearly basis. These may be family businesses or workplaces with which our families are connected. They can be local, but can also be anywhere in Melbourne or Victoria.


If you are able support a work experience placement, please complete the online form

We look forwards to working with Greenvale families and the community to provide this exciting next step for our first Senior School students.



What’s  Okay At Home?

This site is for young people who are experiencing or witnessing family violence in their home and are needing information, advice and support. Family violence can have a devastating impact on kids, even if they don’t see the abuse or experience it directly themselves. Children know when something is not right at home, and even hidden abuse occurring to someone in their family is a form of abuse to them. If a child or young person has asked you to look at this website, it means they trust you, and they might be scared that family violence is happening in their home.



Orange Door





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