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With Term 2 well underway the College is incredibly busy with a number of milestone events and days occurring. It has been pleasing to see students modelling our Value of Leadership which is a focus for Term 2. Students have been:



Greenvale Secondary College together with the Department of Education acknowledged IDAHOBIT Day on Wed 17th May.

IDAHOBIT Day is the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, Transphobia discrimination. The 17th May marks the anniversary of the day in 1990 when the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the classification of disease and related health problems.

We acknowledge and celebrate this day to raise awareness of the discrimination that LGBTIQ+ people still face.

The day aims to raise awareness of violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people. This is a genuine extension of the schools bullying prevention policy as supporting and promoting IDAHOBIT means strengthening human rights for everyone and taking a stand against violence, discrimination, and oppression toward LGBTIQ people.

At the College we stand united in our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning place for all students including LGBTIQ people and foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQ+ student and recognises that creating a safe and inclusive environment is key to tackling bullying and harassment and preventing suicide and self-harm.

All students should be safe from bullying and feel included at school. Students who don’t feel safe or included at school cannot learn effectively and reach their full potential.



This year, Education Week runs from Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 May. The theme Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity, hands on learning and student voice.

Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners.

Our school is proud to encourage active learners through our ever-expanding programs, clubs and activities – including holding our Annual Athletics Carnival during Education Week.



Our parent community will be aware that the College recently sent a link and asked parents to complete a survey which will help inform the future direction of the College.

Every 4 years, all schools are required to conduct a review process which then informs the next Strategic Plan. This process also provides assurance of the ongoing compliance with the standards relating to curriculum and student learning.

Whilst we know that we have achieved a lot in a short period, we are also aware that there is much still to do.

This term, the College will host our review which will be conducted by a panel, utilising the expertise of challenge partners and convened by an independent school reviewer. Our review panel will consist of:

I look forward to keeping the community updated on this important work.



Based on student, staff and parent feedback – we are reviewing the current structure of our Enhancement Program.

Based on feedback received:

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