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Term 2 is very busy with most of our sport teams out competing, after training Wednesdays before school, in Enhancement for a number of weeks. We thank them for their participation, enthusiasm and representation of the school in such a positive way.

We have the annual Attitudes to School Survey that Victorian Government school students complete each year to inform future work we do in the school. We value their honesty and look forward to receiving the results.

Students are currently completing Milestone Tasks to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the first part of their learning and show teachers gaps that need to be addressed before the CAT (Common Assessment Task).

SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support) is a Department of Education program to creative positive, predictable, and safe learning environments to benefit the learning of all. Our primary focus now is working on reducing Level 1 behaviours so that we see an improvement in following instruction, productive learning, being on time to class and ready to learn, and giving respect to all. The strategies we are using are:

During April we had 142 Positive Recognitions and May we have had 187. At the same time we have seen reports of level 1 behaviours decreasing each month this year.

Please follow the link below to learn more about the program and how you can support this at home.


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