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Our students sat NAPLAN in May and the reports will be available for parents to pick up at Parent Teacher Conferences on September 13 in the Library.

NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year and it is important because it helps us understand how well students are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy.

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. The difficulty for parents and schools in 2022 is that students did not sit NAPLAN in 2020 so we can’t measure growth from Grade 3 to 5 and from Grade 5 to Year 7 for this cohort, but there is still a lot of valuable information for schools in the NAPLAN reports.

NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it is very useful for teachers because it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ progress. It also helps us as a school to establish literacy and numeracy strategies for the cohort.

If you have any questions regarding the report, please contact Lucy Gibbs (Head of Curriculum) or me.

(Based on information directly from the ACARA website)

Download FAQ Individual Student Report



In our learning this term we have been focusing on the value of RESPECT. This value has been written into the learning intention and success criteria to ensure it is explicitly taught and learnt.  You will be aware this has been supported by work in the Mentor Groups on The Kindness Project and with incursions such as The Man Cave and The Big Sister Experience. Next term we will concentrate on TEAMWORK!



Parent Teacher Student Conferences will occur on September 13 between 12-8pm in the library.

Conference bookings can be made via the Compass portal. Please note that teachers will have two half hour breaks during the day: 3.00pm-3.30pm and 5.30pm-6pm. There are step by step instructions in the Compass Welcome page should you need it.

Whilst there are no scheduled classes on this day all students are expected to attend the conference with parents/carers.

We look forward to seeing you then!



It is great to see most students arriving to school enthusiastic and ready to learn every day! As a parent/carer you can do the following things to help your child be ‘ready to learn’ every day and maximixe their learning opportunities:

  1. Check in. Take some time to talk to your child. Ask some open-ended questions, listen without judgement for the answer and try to empower your child to solve their own problems at school.


  1. Sleep, Health and Routines. Teenagers need 8-10 hours’ sleep a night. Their brains and bodies are growing, and they need good food. Routine and establishing independence in these are critical for young people as they move through secondary school. While life and families have dynamic lives it is important to provide as much opportunity for the establishment of routine as possible”
    • Is your child getting off electronics and to sleep at a reasonable time?
    • Are they getting themselves up, ready for school and to Period 1 on time?
    • Are they developing independence getting to school?
    • Does he/she/they have a healthy lunchbox to fuel them through the day?


  1. Prompt your child each night (if necessary) to prepare for the day ahead. Perhaps at the start they need a check list in their bedroom or on the fridge and you to help them with this, but students should be able to do this independently by the end of Year 7.
    • What classes do you have tomorrow?
    • Is the laptop on charge?
    • Are the correct books and folders packed?
    • Has the planner been checked for tasks to be completed?
    • Is uniform clean and ready for wear?


Based on advice from Raising Children


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