As another busy term draws to a close, it is an opportunity to reflect on all that has been achieved in Term 3 in only our third year of operation. Whilst we have achieved so much, we also know there is a lot still to do. Aside from stage 2 construction works finishing up – we will be working in Term 4 to review our progress this year and to make plans for 2025. In 2025 we will focus on implementing the Berry Street Education Model alongside our Positive Learning Framework.
We continue to see a strong interest for enrolments and our offers for Year 7 2025 have been confirmed via the primary schools and we have now welcomed our new families to Greenvale Secondary College. In 2025, our enrolment growth remains steady but at the same time we have not been able to place over 100 families.
R U OK? Day 2024 is Thursday 13 September and is our national day of action when we remind everyone that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
This year we decided to acknowledge R U OK Day early with staff so that we could then focus our efforts on this important day with students. Across the week it was pleasing to see so many members of our learning community support each other and ask R U Ok?
By taking the time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected. Let the people in your world know you’re here, to really hear, because a conversation could change a life.
It is nearly finished!
All members of our community may have seen the progress of our Stage 2 buildings, and it is exciting to think that in 2025 we will have students learning out of these spaces.
Across Term 4, students will have the opportunity to tour our new spaces in preparation for their learning in 2025.
Stage 2 facilities will include:
- Learning Neighbourhood Building B
- Visual Arts Building
- Performing Arts, PE and Food Technology Building
- Hardcourts
- Sports Oval
This is great news for our community and students and means that we will be able to provide high quality learning experiences in high quality facilities. Make sure you check out our social media pages for updates and photos!
YEAR 7 2025
We continue to have high demand for student placement for Year 7 in 2025 and again, by far the number of placement requests have exceeded those received for this year’s cohort. As a result of a high demand for enrolments, the College remains under an Enrolment Management Plan which restricts enrolment to those who live within the enrolment zone.
Welcome to families who are joining us in 2025! By now you will have received a welcome letter to confirm your details with us and in the coming weeks will receive an enrolment pack. We are looking forward to you joining us at Greenvale Secondary College.
The College recently received our 2024 results for the Attitude to School Survey that all students are asked to complete. We use this data to inform our planning and track our progress but it is equally important to share this with our community.
The data received is one piece of evidence of the impact we are having on our students and their learning experience and tells us that:
- 80% of students report effective behaviours in the classroom (compared to 55% across the state)
- 70% of students report a high level of differentiated learning (compared to 57% across the state)
- 65% of students report a high sense of confidence in their learning (compared to 56% across the state)
In the final weeks of Term 3, there was College Assembly that focused on acknowledging R U OK? Day as well as speaking to our school values and the focus of Teamwork in Term 4.
Our assemblies are always a positive opportunity to acknowledge achievements of our students in all year levels as well as an opportunity to listen to a fantastic music performance from some of our talented year 7 students.
First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. The competition contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators and academics to challenge and extend students’ problem-solving skills.
This year we would like to congratulate some of our students and their results including:
Alexander Ng – Distinction
Sarah Dolmay – Distinction
Yari Kongrung – Distinction
Josh Sun – Distinction
Aphonse Joice – Distinction
Lucas Pennacchia – Credit
Shaman Silva – Credit
Khaled Taleb – Credit
Peter Tso – Credit
Shane Silva – Credit
Vian Alex – Proficiency
Taylan Buyukbilgin – Proficiency
Alya Essen – Proficiency
Muntadhar Aoda – Participation
Veli Demir – Participation
Saara Shetye – Participation
Kutay Erekinci – Participation
Geok Ru Goh – Participation