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Welcome to the very first newsletter for Greenvale Secondary College. As the proud Principal of our new school, it is exciting to be able to share with you many of the great things happening in our school. The first 6 months of our first year have gone very quickly, but it has been rewarding to see so how proud our students and parents are of our school. 

Our students have been exceptional, demonstrating not only high levels of learning growth, but also their level of engagement and connection to our school shows that they are willing and ready to be the leaders in our school and the community. 

Term 1 saw many of our “firsts” including Welcome BBQs for our new families, official openings, parent teacher-student conferences, year 7 sleepover, ANZAC day assemblies, and not to forget – student success both inside and outside the classroom. 


Our College Music Program continues to go from strength to strength as we not only have a long waitlist on instrumental music lessons and were delighted to announce that Greenvale Secondary College is the recipient of the Yamaha Music Australia 2022 Great Start Grant! This grant is provided to 1 school in Australia that demonstrates excellence and ability to implement a high-quality music and performing arts program. 


Greenvale Secondary College offers a number of academic enhancement programs for our students. At Greenvale, we provide opportunities for students to do things that reflect their passion or interest. This ensures students take leadership of their learning and promotes more rapid learning growth. It has been fabulous to see our Enhancement program commencing with all students being supported to achieve high levels of learning growth. 


Over the Term 1 break we ran a parent survey which was aimed to collect some feedback from families regarding our progress to establishing a successful school. Over 80% parents said their child was supported to adjust to new year level – starting high school – and that their child feels safe at school (85%) which is fundamental for learning. 

It’s great to see almost 100% parents report teachers convey high expectations of our students – 96%. Having high expectations of students is important because it conveys confidence that students have the ability to learn and grow.  Parents also see that teachers role model what positive behaviour looks like (88%), which is important not only in conveying respect for students, a core school value, but also guiding students in how to behave with other people. Linked to this are opportunities the school provides for students to develop a sense of responsibility and 88% parents agree this is occurring. 

I know our teachers were happy to know the vast majority of parents report their child enjoys the learning they have been engaged in so far at the school (90%) and that parents are very satisfied school providing a great education (88%).  

It was very pleasing to see so many families feel comfortable to approach the school with any concerns (92%), and report the schools respects their family’s perspectives (88%).  

There is always more to be done in schools, and I’m grateful for your feedback as it helps inform our work and priorities. 


The College has been busy with Information Sessions and School Tours constantly sold out! The level of excitement and interest in our new school has been very strong and the feedback we are receiving is overwhelmingly positive.  

Our student representatives constantly receive excellent feedback on their positive nature and how well they wore the College Uniform. 

Many of our local Primary Schools have been invited to visit our new College and the feedback we have received is very positive, including our own students going back to their Primary School with positive stories of the learning and culture we are establishing 


Each term parents are provided with detailed information that will assist them to best support their child at Greenvale Secondary College. This takes place in regular Parent Forums. 

In Term 3 our Parent Forum is on Thursday 28 July at 6:30pm. 

Parent Forums run each term and have a different focus or set of topics. Topics to be covered in Term 3 include: 

  • Student Wellbeing 
  • Mental Health 

 Bookings are made via  




This term, we have seen our students in Years 7 complete their NAPLAN tests online for the first time. The process has run very smoothly under the leadership of Mrs Melinda Gall (Assistant Principal) and with support from our excellent ICT Officer, Mr Rakesh Beri as well as many teachers and educational support staff members supervising students.   

Whilst NAPLAN is not the only measure of student success, the value of the NAPLAN results is partly that as a school we can analyse the impact we are having on student learning on a cohort level. This provides us with important feedback on the impact of our teaching and learning program at Greenvale Secondary College. 


Our school works hard to create an inclusive environment for all our students, and this was shown with our celebration of IDAHOBIT day and our Sorry Day and Reconciliation week activities. Thank you to the staff and students running activities on these days and encouraging understanding of the issues that many in our community face. 


This term our students were also completing the Department’s Attitude to School Survey. We thank them for taking their time to give feedback on the school; issues that they face and their own wellbeing. It is an example of students having agency within their school. 


Our students had the exciting opportunity to demonstrate our school values in the naming and creation of our College House structure. This structure is an essential feature of college life, with family members joining the house of older siblings. The College House Groups are organised for peer support as well as to allow for students to compete in sport, performing arts and other co-curricular activities throughout the year. Students and staff are allocated to house groups across their time at the college. The four houses have been named by students after the Indigenous Seasons and are: 


House Colour House Name House Mascot 
Red Garrawang 

(kangaroo apple season) 

Orange Biderap 

(dry season) 

Green Poorneet 

(tadpole season) 

Blue Waring 

(wombat season) 



In conjunction with all house members, each house also has chosen a particular charity to support through regular fundraising events at the college. 

Students work to earn house points across the year through participation in many school events such as whole school sports days, lunchtime activities and other competitive events 


Following student, staff, and parent input, we now have our College Values and Behaviour Expectations document completed. This will now be displayed in all spaces across the College and will now be referred to in daily class activities as well as for rewarding and recognising positive behaviours. Further, this resource will form the basis on our expectations with students, staff and the community. 





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The learning growth of every student is our priority, and we have an assessment and reporting process in place that is designed to give meaningful, timely and effective feedback to students and parents.  

We measure what skills and knowledge the student has at the beginning of the unit in a ‘Pre-Assessment’, and then target our teaching students around that. The teacher and student reflect on this in the rubric in the class Notebook (OneNote). 

At the mid-point of the unit, students do a ‘Milestone Task’ which helps the teacher, student and parent determine the readiness for the final assessment and what needs to be done to get there.  We encourage parents to read through the teacher’s feedback around what has been achieved and what can be done to improve – again in the class Notebook (OneNote). 

Finally, when the student does the Common Assessment Task (CAT) and it has been assessed the rubric will be uploaded to the CAT in Compass as a pdf. The CAT in Compass has a RED Assessment Tab against it to make sorting simpler. 


The End of Semester is a collation of the assessment done throughout the two terms: 

  • Victorian Curriculum progression points for each subject  
  • G5 skills assessed each term 
  • A Mentor Group written report reflecting on transition to secondary school, connectedness in the group, participation in mentor activities such as The Kindness Project and sport. 

Teachers will be finalising assessment Week 8 & 9. Semester Reports will be available on Compass at end of the Week 1 of Term 3 and parents are reminded that the quality timely feedback is in the rubric attached to the CAT in the Compass Learning Task. 


Congratulations to our Year 7 students for the conscientious, mature and focused approach to NAPLAN online. The majority of students were ready for the tests each day with a charged laptop and headphones. Students who were absent the first week of the tests were given an opportunity to catch up in the second and third week. We look forward to receiving the learning data which will help us target our teaching more effectively. 


During Term 3 our Library will be open every lunchtime for students to do some passive activities out of the weather. We will also run some clubs in this space: Chess Club, Girls Club, Movie Club, Art/Craft Club. Students will need to eat their lunch outside then are welcome to come into the library as long as they are following the library rules. 


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What a productive and valuable experience Year 7 students have had so far this year! The transition to secondary school is one of the most important in a young person’s life and it has been a privilege to support these young people to discover, create and excel in their new environment and a pleasure to invite families to be involved in the Greenvale Secondary College community through events and conferences.  

The cohort has worked as individuals, home groups and house groups to adapt to their new learning community, engaging in new subjects and taking ownership over their learning by reflecting and goal setting. It has been a highlight to celebrate their successes in their learning and see their confidence grow in their interactions and contributions in the classroom. 

This term, teachers have focused on collaborative learning in the classroom, working in pairs and small groups to share ideas and present to the class what they have created. Teachers have been working closely with students to support each individual to build their skill capacity – from learning about ancient civilisations in Humanities and presenting persuasive speeches in English, to mastering Mandarin and developing rhythm in Music, each student has been challenged to learn and apply new skills.  

The Greenvale Secondary College values of leadership, teamwork, respect and excellence inform daily practice and interactions. During Mentor Group and Health, students have been exploring the value of respect and diversity, learning how to demonstrate respect and empathy in their friendships and relationships in and out of the classroom. This has translated to the Kindness Project where students brainstormed and actioned acts of kindness towards their families, teachers and students. It was great to see so many smiles of appreciation across the College community. During the end of semester celebration assembly, the community will vote on which Kindness Project will be worked on together next term. It’s exciting to see young people so enthusiastic about contributing positively to their community.  

One of the highlights of the year so far was the Greenvale Secondary College Sleepover at the end of last term. Feeling safe and comfortable with peers is directly linked to improved learning outcomes and this was an invaluable opportunity for students to enjoy spending time together, participating in a myriad of activities and developing communication and teamwork skills. Many students were recognised for their leadership and respect throughout the event.  

Next term, students will embrace exciting opportunities to learn and grow, with two new subjects to explore and skills to consolidate on in core subjects. There are a number of positive programs in store, prioritising the development of students as individuals, learning to be an active citizen in their community and discovering more about themselves as they move toward choosing future pathways.  

On behalf of the team, thank you and congratulations to all staff, students and families for collaborating and supporting each other to create a safe and productive learning environment.  



By Narin Karadan 

I think we can all agree that the year is going by pretty fast. It feels just like yesterday that we were all lining up in front of the basketball court, getting assigned to our home groups, nervous about our teachers and our subjects and how to open our lockers. But now, we’ve all gotten the hang of our classes and know our teachers, and we mostly are used to the lockers. 

We had just finished our school holidays and started Term 2, but all of a sudden, Term 2 is almost finished! It’s been an exciting term, with things such as the athletics carnival, zoo excursion and interschool sports. 

This term, we’ve completed our Ancient Egypt unit, stepped into poetry, worked on geometry, studied classification and biology, explored our identity and played table tennis in Health and P.E, played the keyboard, painted our landscapes and learnt to introduce family members in Chinese. 

For me, my favorite subject this term was probably art. Planning our landscape paintings was so fun, and I loved how mine turned out in the end! Experimenting with paints is really interesting and intriguing. The art room always feels warm and welcoming! 

The athletics and swimming carnival were a great chance for students to participate in sports and activities while showing house spirit, and mostly everyone enjoyed the free time in the pool! Everyone participated and earned points for their house. Congratulations to students who won in their activity! I enjoyed cheering on teammates from my house. 

The zoo excursion was definitely one of the highlights of the term for me. Students went to Melbourne Zoo to study and find more about animals and their classification. The whole day, we were in our chosen groups and explored most of the zoo! We got to see so many amazing animals and had free time to explore the zoo towards the end. I didn’t get to see the Japanese garden like I anticipated, however I really loved the butterfly room the most. It was just so beautiful! It also was hilarious seeing everyone run from birds during break times. The zoo was a success! 

From what I’ve heard, interschool sports were a fun and great experience! Chosen students went to different schools for the most of the day and competed in sports. It was a great opportunity to participate in athletics and have a fun day out going to other schools! 

Overall, I found term 2 to be fun and exciting, with many interesting topics and enjoyable events. My highlight was definitely the zoo excursion. This term went by so quickly, and I hope that everyone is excited for the school holidays coming up and for more valuable experiences in our second semester of high school at Greenvale Secondary College! 


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In reflections of the COVID remote learning era, educational experts focusing on the positive gains of this unplanned diversion in schooling have been quick to identify that remote classrooms which emphasised student-centred lessons and encouraged self-regulation achieved better outcomes during this time (Hattie, 2021).

At Greenvale, we are continuing on the learnings of this experience and fostering an environment in which students can become independent, self-aware and assessment-capable learners. It has been wonderful to see our students grow this semester in their ability to articulate their learning achievements and challenges, discussing their progress, growth and goals with a range of peers and adults during the school day.  

Self-regulated learning is best achieved via shared partnership between the child, the school and the family. We encourage families to continue to build learner-awareness outside of the school day through conversation with their children about their learning at home. Below are some areas of classroom practice that can be used to create productive shared discussion about your child’s learning at home.  


The purpose of feedback is not to ‘fix the work’ but to ‘improve the learner’. Feedback practices that are individualised and student-centred are effective in fostering student self-regulation (Brooks et al., 2021), but to achieve this students need to engage with the advice given. Feedback is provided throughout the GSC Assessment Cycle in a number of ways, including verbally, on written work and through the task rubric on OneNote. 

You can look at OneNote with your child at different points in the school term to read and discuss ‘Strengths’ and ‘Strategies for Improvement’ outlined by the teacher for Milestone Tasks and CATs. Ask open-ended questions about student work such as ‘What are you most proud of from this task?’, ‘How did you deal with the challenges?’ and ‘What strategies can you use in the next two weeks to act on your teacher’s suggestions?’. As part of these discussions, students can also edit or add to the Student Self Reflection and Goal Setting section of their rubrics.  


As part of our G5 Instructional Model, every lesson at GSC begins with the discussion of a shared Learning Intention and the Success Criteria that will indicate achievement of the learning. When students know what success looks like, they are more likely to set goals and acquire a sense of how to judge their own progress. They recognise that they have something to learn and what it looks like when they have learned it (Fisher et al., 2019). 

The opportunity to revisit their learning outside of the school day promotes reflection, encourages connections between lessons and increases student exposure content and language they have covered. 

You can log on to Compass with your child and click on their timetable to view the Lesson Plans for previous or upcoming lessons. Ask your child to explain the Learning Intentions in their own words, and how this came to life in the classroom. Revisit the Success Criteria and ask your child to identify if they achieved them- using a ‘Confidence Scale’ of 1 to 5 for each criteria can be a useful tool to identify what has been mastered and what needs focus moving forward.  


Our 10 Learner Language words have been selected and defined by GSC students as a way of a having a shared vocabulary with which to discuss our learning. The words will be displayed around classrooms at GSC to provide students with a verbal toolbox to express their learning achievements and challenges.  

You can use the GSC Learner Language as part of your conversations with students about their learning at home and encourage them to apply these words in both formal and informal reflections about their progress. 

Hattie, J. (2021, May 1). What Can We Learn from COVID-Era Instruction? ASCD.  

Brooks, C., Burton, R., van der Kleij, F., Carroll, A., Olave, K., & Hattie, J. (2021). From fixing the work to improving the learner: An initial evaluation of a professional learning intervention using a new student-centred feedback model. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68(68), 100943. 

Fisher, D., Frey, N., Amador, O., & Assof, J. (2019). The teacher clarity playbook : a hands-on guide to creating learning intentions and success criteria for organized, effective instruction ; Grades K-12. Corwin, A Sage Company. 



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Building a music program from the ground up is an exciting task, and we have been fortunate enough at Greenvale Secondary College to be able to start this process.  There has been a huge amount of enthusiasm and interest amongst the student body when it comes to taking part in instrumental lessons, with 41 of the current 120 year seven students taking lessons with either Mr Toby Hammond or Miss Catherine Bates.  Instruments currently being learnt include keyboard, guitar, bass, drums, voice and violin, with some students also honing their composition skills as part of these lessons. 

Whilst the instrumental program is still in its infancy, we have been treated to a performance by some of our singing students at an assembly already, with many more performances from other students to follow throughout the year.  As student confidence, skill level and experience increases, we will be extending these performances to formats and location external to the school environment, so as to share the amazing talents our students have with the wider community, and so students can experience the thrill of performing “for real”. 

As part of growing the instrumental music program, Greenvale Secondary College was lucky enough to be awarded the Yamaha Great Start Grant for 2022.  Beginning in 2017, this Australia-wide grant is awarded to one school each year which has the desire and support in place to implement a traditional concert band-style instrumental program, but lacks the equipment.  As recipient of the grant, Greenvale Secondary College will receive a total of 28 instruments (five clarinets, one bass clarinet, three flutes, two alto saxophones, one tenor saxophone, two French horns, four trumpets, three trombones, one euphonium, one tuba, a keyboard, a concert bass drum, a snare drum, a glockenspiel and a pair of crash cymbals) as well as some accessories such as instrument stands, percussion mallets and an amp.  This is a fantastic outcome for the music program, and will set us well on our way to becoming a school renound in the area for musical ensembles and proficiency in both contemporary and traditional streams of music. Huge thanks must go to parent Ms Tammy Hocking for assisting with the application, as well as Mr Natoli and Miss Bates. 

Although we are half-way through the year, it is not too late for interested students to enrol in instrumental music lessons for the remainder of the year.  Of course, lessons will also be available to all students in both years 7 and 8 in 2023, with expressions of interest for these opening soon.  For those who are already learning, make sure to keep up regular, productive practice so as to take full advantage of the wonderful opportunity and highly-skilled teachers you have, and don’t be afraid to take any performance opportunities which may come your way. 


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It has been an eventful Term 2 at Greenvale Secondary College. A successful start of the term saw our students compete against each other at our inaugural athletics and swimming carnival. After a very closely contested day Emilia D’Angelo and Hunter Fucile took out the individual awards for the female and male categories respectively. Several students qualified for the Woodlands division Track & Field event day which will take place in term 3.  

The students have had plenty of opportunities to play Interschool Sports in the Woodlands division. Ava Cooper, Sienna Cooper, Melisa Yavuzcan and Carla Rametta were our first students to qualify for the Northern Metro regional event in the girls Tennis category. After a very competitive day, which saw us compete against 3 other schools in the region, the girls narrowly missed out on a spot in the final.  

The Cross-Country Division event was next on the calendar for our Greenvale students, which saw Noah Tarallo win the event and Hunter Fucile finish in 3rd spot to qualify for the Northern Metro Regionals. We wish both students the best of luck in their opportunity to qualify for the state finals. 

Thursday the 9th of June saw us take out 4 teams for Interschool Sports in the Woodlands division. After a great day that saw over 60 students participate over 4 events, which included, girls netball, boys AFL and boys and girls soccer,  we missed out on the opportunity to represent the school at a regional level. The experience will have hopefully set the students up to come back next year and compete against some strong schools in the Woodlands division.




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One of the great things about a new school is the ability to start a school house competition from scratch.  At the start of the year, we had the house colours in place, and students were divided into each house, but that was it. 

Another benefit of being a new school is the year sevens have an amazing opportunity to be house captains and leaders right from the start, rather than having to wait until they are in higher year levels.  The first way this became apparent was when the houses voted for their captains early in term one.  The house captain role is not just a sporting role or a figurehead, but it is a chance to help shape the school and house culture, with membership of the Student Representative Council also included as part of the role.  There were a number of fantastic candidates who put themselves forward for these roles, and we thank them all and congratulate those who were elected. 

The next thing to establish were the house names and mascots.  Towards the end of term one, at the activity day associated with the year seven sleep-over, students attended a presentation where they were introduced to the seven seasons of the Kulin nation, after four of which the houses would be named.  Each season also came with a mascot.  It was a very tight race as to which house would be Biderap, the dry season, with the mascot of a butterfly!  House names and mascots were announced on the final day of term one, and the system for our foundation year had been put into place. 


House NameSeasonColourMascotCaptains
BiderapDry seasonOrangeButterflyMeena Mandlay

Narin Karadan

WaringWombat seasonBlueWombatEvelyn Koko

Omar Al Rozzi

PoorneetTadpole seasonGreenFrogMadi Murray

Melisa Yavuzcan

GarrawangKangaroo apple seasonRedKangarooGeorgia Pollakis

Keola Kang


Our first mini house competition also came on the activity day of the year seven sleep-over, with students participating in a dodgeball tournament then an escape room.  A big thank-you goes to Mr Davey Van T’Schip for organizing these activities, which the students certainly found enjoyable and sparked some fierce competition!  Poorneet and Garrawang came away with joint dodgeball honours, whilst Biderap was the undisputed winner of the escape room. 

The biggest house competition we have had so far this year, however, was the house athletics and swimming day.  The drizzle did not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the students, many of whom threw themselves into the competition, jumping at the chance to show their skills in different areas and running with the changes made to the program as the day went on.  In the end, the victors were Poorneet, with the house spirit points going to Garrawang. 

There are many more events in the pipe-line for the house competition, with students and teachers alike keen to see a range of activities which give all students a chance to shine.  We are also looking to keep developing house identities and to build a strong competition where all students are proud to participate and contribute to their houses.  Whilst it is not possible to put everything in place this year in terms of competitions and fully-fledged house identities, we are open to ideas and are keen to see how we can put them in place, whether it be now or in the coming years.  We look forward immensely to seeing how this house competition grows and develops, now and into the future! 


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Student Services provides students, families and staff with support in relation to a number of  educational based needs, which includes educational assessments, counselling, family support,  psycho-educational  workshops, whole school education, in addition to referrals to external services. 

Available to students, staff and families is: 

Tanya Vella: Student Services Manager 

Romy Glenn: Year 7/8 Youth worker/ counsellor 

Katie Smith: Mental Health Practitioner 

Luisa DeAmicis:  Education Support- Integration Aid  

Liz Uyanik: Education Support- Integration Aid 

Referrals can be made to Student Services by students, staff and families 



So far this year the students and families have been provided with the opportunity to partake in some amazing presentations and workshops: 

Greenvale Secondary College has partnered with Raise Mentoring Service to provide 10 students with the opportunity to be supported by 10 adult mentors from the community who  assist the students to make informed choices, advance their wellbeing and coping strategies, increase their self-confidence and set and achieve goals. 



All students participated in a 2 hour consent workshop. Knowledge of consent is extremely important and valuable for all students especially in relation to navigating relationships.  




We all have mental health- at times we experience healthy mental health and with the challenges of life there are times whereby we may experience ill mental health, Staff from Headspace Craigieburn presented information to the students in relation to the Headspace service, transitioning into secondary college and anxiety. 



Australian Federal Police officer Gerry Del Bono presented  ThinkUKnow to the school’s parents/ carers.  Think U Know is an evidence-based education program led by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation 





Winter is upon us.  Victorian Government announced it is providing free influenza (flu) vaccinations to all Victorians aged 6 months and over. The free flu vaccinations will be provided between 1 June and 30 June 2022 to boost vaccination coverage, to help keep Victorians well over winter. With case numbers rising quickly, families are encouraged to get vaccinated against the flu to help stay well and avoid hospitalisation during the colder months.     

Contact your GP or community pharmacy to ask about receiving a free flu vaccination.  


A reminder to families that support for financial aid in relation to school uniform, laptops*, sim cards for mobile phones, stationary, textbooks*, shoes and undergarments can be provided via State School Relief.  Please contact Connie, Tanya or Romy for assistance. 

*time limited. 



Written by: Romy Glenn 


In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, and although life is slowly returning to normality, it is no shock that conversations surrounding mental health, specifically anxiety, are more widespread than ever. However, while these discussions are common, explaining anxiety to children can be a little more challenging in comparison to a conversation with adults. 

The process of how to explain anxiety to a child needs to be done in a way that is easy to understand and allows your child to identify if, and when, they are experiencing anxiety.  


Normal life includes some stress and fear. In a stressful situation, your heart beats faster; your breath becomes shallow and rapid; muscles tense; and your mind goes on full alert. These responses are a human’s innate reaction to a threat.  They allow us to activate our ‘safety mode’ and prepare to flee or fight.

However, sometimes stress and fear can persist for weeks, months or even years. These feelings can be overwhelming and can interfere with normal daily activities.  If this is the case, your child may to be suffering from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).

When discussing anxiety with your child, here a few bullet points that can help guide your conversation, regarding what anxiety is and how it functions:

  • Anxiety can be a thought (mental) or feeling (physical) that can feel very scary.
  • Anxiety is actually not dangerous and can sometimes be helpful in certain situations.
  • Everybody experiences anxious feelings sometimes, it is normal.

If you believe your child is suffering from GAD or are unsure, please seek the assistance of your families General Practitioner, and/or a Counsellor/Psychologist. 


Over time our brains have had to evolve in responding to stress, as we no longer only tap into our ‘safety mode’ responses when we’re in physical danger, such as being chased by a bear.  

Nowadays, lots of things about our life can cause us stress and anxiety, including;  

  • Commitments and expectations, such as school or work. 
  • Conflict with people we care about. 
  • Change or doing something new. 
  • Bullying.
  • Death in the family. 
  • Unresolved past traumas. 
  • Frightening experiences. 
  • Insecurities about relationships from early life. 

In time, people can adjust to stressful events. However, people with GAD may find that their symptoms get worse during stressful events and can have trouble integrating their experiences, creating compounding anxieties. 


Life is stressful, so it’s a good idea for everyone to learn some relaxation techniques, but for those suffering from GAD the below strategies can be hugely beneficial to help reduce the impacts of their thoughts and feelings; 


As you read this, focus on your belly button. Breathe naturally, evenly, and at a speed that feels comfortable. 

Focus on sending your breath right down to your belly button – so your stomach rises and falls with each breath. Don’t breathe really deeply, as this can actually make you hyperventilate. 

Just keep your breathing even and natural. Do this for four slow, even breaths. 

Take a moment to reflect on how this makes you feel. 


Mindfulness strategies are all about being ‘present’ by connecting with one or more of your five senses. They are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Here are some mindfulness techniques you can try: 

  • Focus on 3 things you can hear, 3 things you can smell, and 3 things your body can physically feel. 
  • Touch is a great way to be present – you might stomp your feet, pat your cat or even have a massage. 
  • Get absorbed in the moment – playing sport, playing a video game or just having fun with friends is a great way to have a mental break from your worries. Focus on really listening to an awesome song. 
  • Eat something yummy really slowly, savouring the taste. 
  • Splash cool water on your face – this can trigger the ‘mammalian dive reflex’ which is an automatic response that slows your heart rate and brain waves (designed to help us survive when swimming underwater). 


Our brain loves to be creative. Activities that allow you to express yourself aren’t just fun; they can actually be quite healing as well – which is why things like ‘art therapy’ exist. 

One of the ways things like creative writing, dancing, music and art can help is they actually alter your brain waves and create different mental and emotional states, especially if you get ‘absorbed’ in the activity.  

The second way these activities help is by acting as distractions, which are sometimes a helpful way to break a worry cycle or help shift your mood. 

The third way they help is by allowing you time to process and gain insights into your thoughts, feelings or behaviours. Having insight can help you break patterns and form new habits. These insights play an important role in creating ‘meaning’.  

Being able to create meaning from a negative experience is a great way to be more resilient and is an important part of post traumatic growth – not just surviving a trauma, but actually thriving! 


But if talking to family and friends feels too hard, you can try Kids Helpline counselling. You can do it from anywhere, at any time and you don’t have to be face-to-face. Plus, you can be anonymous if you like.  

Counselling assists and supports people by helping them: 

  • Think about things in different ways. 
  • Learn about patterns in your thoughts and behaviours. 
  • Create a safe place to support a calm, learning environment, which can reduce your stress and anxiety. 
  • Promote positive changes in your brain through exploring alternate perspectives and options. 
  • Be supported to try new strategies. 
  • Create positive behaviour change through repetition and practice of new strategies. 


If you or your young person need more support, feel free to contact Student Support Services (Tanya and Romy). 

Alternatively, you or your young person may also like to access the following: 

Lifeline – 13 11 14 – 24-hour phone counselling for all ages. 

Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – 24-hour phone and web counselling for young people 5-25 

Headspace – – Mental health appointments with qualified mental health professionals. 

Beyond Blue – – information and resources for parents and young people. 

Reach out – – information and resources for parents and young people. 


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It is always a pleasure to support your child at the front reception daily.  We are committed to do our best and if you ever have any questions we are here to help.   Thank you for support with the RAT test program. 

During Term 2, we welcomed Mikayla Gibbons to the College Administration Team, Mikayla overseas the daily absences list and supports the Administration Team with attending to phone calls, student first aid and other duties as required. 


11th JulyFirst Day of Term 3
14th JulyWhole School Assembly
21st July100 Days Old Celebration
28th JulyTerm 3 Parent Forum
2nd AugustManCave Incursion
8th AugustStudent Free Day
13th SeptemberParent Teacher Interviews
16th SeptemberLast Day of Term 3



Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age. 

We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.  

 It is important that you contact the school as soon as possible on 8393 0000 or log onto the Compass Portal to inform us of your child’s absence.  

 We also ask parents/guardians/carers to regularly monitor their child’s attendance through the Compass Parent Portal. 


A day here or there doesn’t seem like much but… 










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