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On this day we had the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the commitment of students, staff and our school community in our first 100 days of our foundation year. With parents in tow, we  got to showcase our classrooms and encourage parents to experience the life of a student at Greenvale Secondary College.

During the celebrations students and parents learnt 100 ways to say hello, how to make paper cranes, 100 ways to show kindness, physical challenges, as well as having the philanthropic opportunity to help those new to our country by donating goods to the ASRC.

The 100 Day cookies were a huge success, along with the raffle and the sale of bricks that will lay our foundation in the next stage of our building project. We can’t wait to see them!



“I enjoyed the 100 Day Celebration because we learnt about other people’s cultures.” -SV

“The cookies and zoopa-dooper were delish!” -AC

“A connecting experience that reminded us we are the foundation year and the future is looking amazing.” -SC

“A great bonding experience with parents and the school community.” -ML

“It was nice to be able to reflect on what we’ve done so far this year and celebrate with parents.” -NT

“It was a fun day with a good range of activities that we enjoyed.” -MM


Keep an eye out for our big plans in Term 4! The battle of the Houses is heating up!



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